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Home > Antalya > Private Trip to Phaselis, Olympos, and Eternal Flames of Yanartas
Private Trip to Phaselis, Olympos, and Eternal Flames of Yanartas
USD $528.00

Private Trip to Phaselis, Olympos, and Eternal Flames of Yanartas

Antalya, Turkey

Spend the afternoon and evening among mountains and pine forests, soaking up ancient Lycian culture, on this 8-hour private trip. Explore the ancient cities of Olympos, with its temple to the fire god Hephaestus, and Phaselis, once known for its rose plantations, before you ascend to Yanartas and watch the eternal flames burst from the earth. Tour includes a late lunch / early dinner.

Your private guide will collect you from your hotel (or the airport) by 2pm for the hour-or-so drive to the Kemer region, a mountainous, forested zone with huge significance in Lycian culture, and the Beydaglari Coastal National Park (Beydağları Olimpos Sahil Milli Parkı).

The ancient cities of Olympos and Phaselis sit just 10 miles (15 kilometers) apart. As you explore, your guide will explain their trading rivalry.

Established around 2,700 years ago, Phaselis was famous for its rose plantations, which yielded petals for the production of rosewater and perfumes. Explore the ruins of its towering city gate, Roman baths, old marketplace, and theater, and wander deserted streets that once led to bustling harbors.

At Olympos, positioned on the river and the sea, the standout attraction is the ruins of a temple to Hephaestus, the ancient god of fire. Here, you'll take time to unwind and relax at a quiet beach which once housed a busy port.

After you've relaxed for a while, fortify yourself for trekking with a late lunch. It's about 45 minutes drive to the mysterious mountain that's home to Yanartas, where fires burst directly from the earth: it takes about half an hour to ascend the rock staircase to the site.

Many believe Yanartas was the inspiration for the mythical fire-breathing Chimera monster in Homer's Iliad. At night, it's spectacular, as the flames flicker against a darkened sky.

It's about 90 minutes drive back to Antalya from here: you should be back at your hotel by 10pm.

USD $528.00
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